
柘 七福神 台付 7㎝ Seven Gods of Fortune

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Material:Box Wood

Seven Gods of Fortune
It is known that these deities have their origins in ancient gods of fortune: from the Indian Hinduism (Benzaiten, Bishamonten, Daikokuten); and from the Chinese Taoism and Buddhism (Fukurokuju, Hotei, Jurojin)[citation needed], except for one (Ebisu) who has a Japanese ancestry.

【Ebisu】 He is the god of prosperity and wealth in business, and of plenitude and abundance in crops, cereals and food in general. His right hand and a fish that can be either a carp, a hake, a codfish or a sea bass, or any large fish, in general, that symbolize abundance in meals (such as a feast or banquet)

【Daikokuten】 Daikokuten is the god of commerce and prosperity, and he is sometimes considered the patron of cooks, farmers and bankers, and a protector of crops.

【Hotei】He carries a bag on his shoulders which is loaded with fortunes for those who believe in his virtues. Hotei's traits and virtue are contentment, magnanimous and happiness.

【Bishamonten】Bishamonten's (毘沙門天) origins can be traced back to Hinduism, but he has been adopted into Japanese culture. He comes from the Hindu god Kubera and is also known by the name "Vaisravana". He is the god of fortune in war and battles, also associated with authority and dignity.

【Benzaiten】Benzaiten's (弁才天 or 弁財天) origin is found in Hinduism, as she comes from the Hindu goddess Saraswati. She is the only female Fukujin in the modern grouping. She was given the attributes of financial fortune, talent, beauty and music among others.

【Jurōjin】Considered the incarnation of the southern pole star (南極星 "nankyokusei"), Juroujin (寿老人) is the god of the elderly and of longevity in Japanese Buddhist mythology.

【Fukurokuju】 He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. He is the only god who was said to have the ability to resurrect the dead.










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